
3.Cannabis sativa L.: A comprehensive review on legislation, decriminalization, phytochemistry, antimicrobial activity, and safety
| 發布日期:2023-09-05 | 更新日期: 發布單位:

Cannabis sativa L.: A comprehensive review on legislation, decriminalization, phytochemistry, antimicrobial activity, and safety

Mohammed Dalli a,c,*, Salah-eddine Azizi c, Ali Azghar a,b,c, Abderrazak Saddari a,b, Elmostapha Benaissa d,e, Yassine Ben Lahlou d,e, Mostafa Elouennass d,e, Adil Maleb a,b,c

a Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohammed First, Oujda, Morocco

b Laboratory of Microbiology, Mohammed VI University Hospital Oujda, Morocco

c Laboratory of Bioresources, Biotechnology, Ethnopharmacology and Health, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed the First, Oujda, Morocco

d Department of Bacteriology, Mohammed V Teaching Military Hospital Rabat, Morocco

e Epidemiology and Bacterial Resistance Research Team/ BIO-INOVA Center, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohammed V Rabat, Morocco

Throughout history, medicinal and aromatic plants have been used extensively to cure a variety of ailments. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Cannabis sativa, specifically focusing on its legislative status, decriminalization, phytochemistry, antimicrobial activity, and safety. The study begins by briefly outlining the plant's history, including its cultivation, harvesting, and storage methods. The review analyzes extensively the antimicrobial properties of Cannabis sativaand its derivatives, specifically examining their reported antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic capabilities, which have been documented in databases such as Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Web of Science. The paper also discusses trends in studies about the plant object of the study, the different bioactive compounds that were identified in the plant (phenolic acids, flavonoids, alkaloids, cannabinoids, and terpenes), and safe consumption in several cannabis-based products including candies, desserts, wine and as food flavoring. Furthermore, this study has reported information about the legalization and decriminalization of cannabis use across the globe with a specific focus on Morocco because it has the largest cultivated area of C. sativa plant. However, some substances with potential antimicrobial properties were not investigated in this review due to the lack of data on their activity. The authors hope that their efforts will inspire future studies on the therapeutic uses of Cannabis sativaand its derivatives, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes.

Keywords: Cannabis sativa, Decriminalization, Phytochemistry, Antimicrobial activity, Safety

