Page 16 - 2018食藥署年報(英文版)
P. 16

4. Cosmetics management framework

                       The current cosmetics management system is divided into production source control, pre-
                  market management, and post-market surveillance. (Figure 1-6) Source control management
                  includes ensuring that manufacturers comply with Establishment Standards for Cosmetics
                  Manufactory and promoting voluntary Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for cosmetics. Pre-
                  market management includes registrations of medicated cosmetics. And post-market surveillance
                  focuses on implementing cosmetics quality surveillance programs with joint audits spanning

                  multiple counties and cities, establishing a product adverse event reporting system for cosmetics,
                  monitoring of domestic and global cosmetic safety alerts regularly, and strengthening consumer
                  awareness of safe cosmetics use to create a comprehensive cosmetics quality and safety protection

                Source      Factory      Pre-market        Post-market              Consumer communication
                                                                                        and education
            ◆ Factory registration.
                                                               Market                    Consumer
            ◆ Establishment Standards
            for Cosmetics Manufac-  ◆ Pre-market review of
            tory.                 medicated cosmetics
            ◆ Voluntary GMP.  Product
                                                        ◆ Joint audit and sampling of marketed   ◆ Report of adverse events of
                                                        ◆ Domestic and global safety monitoring   ◆ Promotion of proper use
                                                        and vigilance for consumers
                                                        ◆ Advertisement monitoring

                                       Figure1-6        Cosmetics management framework

                               Note: The amended draft of the Cosmetic Hygiene and Safety Act was reviewed and approved
                           by the Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee of the Legislative Yuan on December
                           20, 2017. On December 29 of the same year, the Legislative Yuan decided to send the draft for
                           negotiation among party caucuses. The amendment was announced by the President through the Hua-
                           Zong(I)-I-Zi No. 10700045851 order on May 2, 2018, with the enforcement date to be determined
                           by the Executive Yuan. In the future, the term “medicated cosmetics” will be changed to “specific
                           purpose cosmetics” and the product notification and product information file will replace the existing
                           pre-marketing registration system for medicated cosmetics. There is a five-year transition period in
                           place for the switch from the registration system to the new one.

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