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None of the genetically modified food raw materials shall be used as the food raw materials without being reviewed by the central competent authority in the health risk assessment, filing product regi
| 發布日期:2014-02-05 | 更新日期:2014-02-05 發布單位:食品組

Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation

Amended Date: 2014.02.05

Article 21   

None of the foods, food additives, food cleansers, food utensils, food containers or packaging and food cleansers which are designated by the central competent authority in a public announcement shall be manufactured, processed, prepared, repacked, imported or exported without filing product registration with and procuring a permit document from the central competent authority. Any change in the registered matters shall be subject to the prior approval of the central competent authority.

None of the genetically modified food raw materials shall be used as the food raw materials without being reviewed by the central competent authority in the health risk assessment, filing product registration with and procuring a permit document.

Importers of genetically modified food raw materials, that have filed product registration with and procured a permit document from the central competent authority, shall establish a traceability system for tracing the source and tracking the flow of the genetically modified food raw materials in accordance to Paragraph 2 of Article 9.

The permits mentioned in the preceding paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be valid for a term of one year to five years subject to the decisions by the central competent authority. Application for extension shall be filed within three months prior to the expiration of the term with the central competent authority if continued manufacture, processing, preparation, repacking, importation or exportation is desired after the expiration. The term of each extension shall not exceed five years.

The regulations governing the revocation of the permits mentioned in Paragraphs 1 and 2, and issuance, replacement, re-issuance, extension, transfer, de-registration, and change in the registered matters of the permit document, etc. shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.

The product registration under Paragraphs 1 and 2 may be commissioned to another institution in accordance with regulations which are prescribed by the central competent authority.

For the unregistered genetically modified food raw materials mentioned in Paragraph 2 prior to the amendment of this Act on 28th January 2014, shall complete review and registration within two years after promulgation of this Act.