TFDA holds the "Annual Food Safety and Analytical Techniques Symposium", enhancing analytical technology and ensuring food hygiene and safety.
【Update Date:2019-08-21】unit:研究檢驗組
In order to improve the quality of testing and promote the information exchange of food analytical techniques, the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA), the Chiayi County Health Bureau and the Chiayi City Health Bureau host the "Annual Food Safety and Analytical Techniques Symposium" on August 21-22, 2019 at the Chiayi Office of TFDA. Dr. Susanne Ekroth from the Swedish National Food Agency through European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM), and Professor Guo-Long Gu from the Department of Applied Chemistry of National Chiayi University are invited to share analytical techniques for pesticide residues and application of multiple detection. More than 200 representatives from the governments, industries, research institutes and academics participate in the symposium.
To increase the diversity of topics, the agenda is divided into five major sessions: "Analytical Techniques for Pesticide", "Analytical Techniques for Veterinary Drug Residues", "Analytical Techniques for Non-Targeted Analytical Approaches & Food Additives", "Analytical Techniques for Rapid Screening & Identification" and "Risk Assessment Related & Others". Moreover, 14 oral presentations and 73 posters are also presented. The topics of the event include analytical techniques for pesticides, veterinary drugs, heavy metals, biological species identification, microbes, genetically modified foods, food additives and food adulteration.
Through this conference, the TFDA exchanges analytical techniques and experiences with experts from food-analytical field, hopes to enhance the testing ability and quality of the national laboratory and local health bureaus, and makes contribution to create a comprehensive quality and safety protection network of food in Taiwan.