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Import regulations on foods and related products for personal use by Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA)

【Update Date:2023-07-06unit:區管理中心

Due to summer vacation approaching, the number of foods and related products that public carries abroad or import from mail gradually increase. These products usually are dietary supplements in the form of capsules and tablets. Personal use and not for sale foods from abroad are exempted from inspection by TFDA that meet the following requirements.

Price of single foods (not include capsules and tablets) do not over than 1,000 USD and weight less 6 kg. The quantity for each capsule and tablet product type may not exceed 12 bottles (includeboxes, cans, packs, bags), the total may not exceed 36 bottles (limited to original packaging in boxes, cans, packs, bags) for single import. Follow above of the rule do not need to apply for inspection with the TFDA, the Customs department must approve for release. However, items for personal use are exempted from import inspection are not to be sold. Anyone who sells the products shall be deemed in violation of paragraphs 1 and 3 of Article 30 of the Act Governing Food and Safety Sanitation. A fine between NT$30,000 and NT$3,000,000 shall be imposed in accordance with Article 47 of the same act. In addition, application for inspection exemption may be suspended for one year in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 51. Besides, some of these foods (meat, fish, milk, plant etc.) shall meet quarantine requirements of Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan and regulations of other government departments.

TFDA would also like to remind the public that dietary supplements (capsules, tablets) cannot replace drugs. In the case of any physical discomfort, the public should seek proper medical attention to avoid delayed treatment. Before special populations (such as children, pregnant women, chronic disease patients) consume dietary supplement, they should seek the advice of physicians, nutritionists, and other professional medical staff. The recommended intake amount, warnings and precautions on the product label should be read before consumption. Do not overconsume on the supplement. If any symptoms of discomfort appear after consumption, please immediately stop taking the supplement and seek medical attention as soon as possible.