The Powerful Academic Influence of the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis Published by Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (2020 Impact Factor: 6.079)!
【Update Date:2022-04-18】unit:企劃及科技管理組
According to the Journal Citation Report of 2021, the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (JFDA), published by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, has reached the Impact Factor (IF) of 6.079 in 2020, ranking the 12th among SCI journals of food science worldwide (8%, in Q1 among 144), and the 33th among SCI journals of pharmaceuticals (12%, in Q1 among 275). It also ranks the second (out of 32) among all the domestic SCI journals. The performance is excellent than ever.
JFDA editors have been devoted continuingly to enhancing the quality of its articles so it maintains a recognized place in the field of food and drug research. It contains review articles and original articles in the fields of medicine, toxicology, food, medical devices, and cosmetics, focusing on the topics of food, drug, and chemical analysis. Furthermore, to support more convenient services to readers and authors, JFDA official website has been optimized by adding features such as "Selected Picture Marquee", "Top Ten Downloaded Articles" and "Daily Selected Articles". These services make the website livelier and increase more opportunity that the articles be read. Meanwhile, the updated Editorial Manager system with a friendly and convenient interface design allows users to submit or review easily and conveniently.
The latest 2022 issue (number 1 of volume 30), has been published in JFDA official website on March 17th. Everyone is welcomed to download and read the full text of JFDA for free, or use Editorial Manager system for submission (JFDA official website:; JFDA Editorial Manager system: